
Now for some humor.. Heres a video from some Europeans making fun of speed-photographing cameras.

One thing we dont have that Europeans have, are speed sensing photograph camera systems on their highways and roads.

Lets just say your driving to the grocery store to pickup some croissants, some fine cheese, and a bottle of cabernet for a hot date. Your putting along in your awesome Citroen (hey, we’ve got to lay this out so you can imagine yourself in Europe!) and your doing 60kilometers an hour when the speed limit is 50kmh. If your in the right area, at the wrong time, a speed sensing camera system could detect your speed, take a photo of your car and mail you a ticket. These are fixed camera systems that are about 4 foot wide by about 5 foot tall.

A few europeans thought it would be funny to make a fake speed sensing camera system, and they built one out of cardboard that they stood in, and when a car went by they flashed a photo of cars that went by.

Anyways, onto the video, its hilarious!

If that link doesnt work, heres the direct link:

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