
Photos of the Quaife differentials we received for the 1995-2005 Dodge Neon.

A few months ago, Quaife discontinued the Quaife differential for the 1995-2005 Dodge/Plymouth Neon.

After the news, we had a lot of interest from Neon owners in purchasing a Quaife differential, but Quaife wouldnt produce them anymore.

We contacted Quaife and we were told that if we could give them an order for 20 pieces (a part that retails for $1200) that they would consider making more for us. I think, after Quaife telling us they needed a $20,000 commitment that they expected not to hear from us again, but we suprised them with an order for 25 pieces !

Heres what the 25 pieces looked like when we got them from Quaife 2.5 months after placing our order.

(We have since shipped out all of these to customers and they are all gone! )

Written by Modern Performance

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